Recently, we participated in an Alternative Insights Hangout to share our experience of engaging with auditors (our users) during Covid, but also, to listen and learn how audit firms themselves have found the last 4/5 months of engaging with their clients.

It will be no surprise, that most have found the increase in remote working to have both pros and cons. One interesting challenge, turned positive, was the initial question on how to continue to effectively communicate with clients. How to offer key support & advice to businesses whilst not overloading them with information when they are likely already under strain to understand options, how to adapt and continue operations.

This initial challenge seems to not only have been overcome, but has led to initiatives that have improved on pre-covid communication and will continue in the long term. For instance, we heard of virtual coffee mornings bringing together different businesses who may not have interacted before. This provided cross-industry lessons and connections, which simply would not have been established in normal circumstances. We also heard that audit firms with 'client portals' received some much needed attention and upgrades. In a similar vein, we've developed weekly updates to the Circit platform to help auditors communicate with their clients more effectively, but also we introduced our bulletin which includes product developments, news and team related messages in an attempt to replicate the personal touch previously had at coffees and events.

It was an insightful hour with leading accounting and audit firms discussing automation technology, including Circit. We look forward to offering our insights and learning on the next session.

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